PPP 040901 - Creating our own Stablecoin Dapp
IOG Academy
Node Course | Running the node
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A Geo located smart contract using Cardano Beam and Marlowe
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PPP 040604 - Property Testing a Smart Contract
PPP 040603 - Unit Testing a Smart Contract
PPP 040602 - Introduction to the Plutus Simple Model library
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PPP 040701 - Introduction
Q&A Live Session - Lesson 8
PPP 040805 Homework
PPP 040804 - Trying it on the Testnet
PPP 040803 - Plutus & Staking
PPP 040802 - The Private Testnet
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PPP 040909 - Q&A
PPP 040908 - Homework
PPP 040907 - Testing our Stablecoin's scripts
PPP 040906 - Burning Stablecoins and Liquidating positions
PPP 040905 - Minting Stablecoins
PPP 040904 - Deploying Stablecoin's Reference Scripts
PPP 040903 - Stablecoin's Oracle
PPP 040902 - Using our Stablecoin Dapp UI
PPP 041007 - Live Q&A Session
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